Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Attributes of a Good Offshore Jurisdiction

Panama has a number of unique attributes that make this a great asset protection jurisdiction for corporations, foundations, banking and stock brokerage accounts. Some call Panama the Switzerland of Latin America but this is not fair, Panama is far better than Switzerland and any other jurisdiction. Read why Panama excels:

Offshore derived Income is not taxed and does not need to be reported. You can have a Panama Corporation, and/or Foundation that banks in Panama and has an office in Panama and yet will not pay any Panama taxes if all the income is derived from offshore. Right here is a big reason for choosing Panama.

Bearer Share Corporations are allowed in Panama. Most jurisdictions have eliminated bearer share corporations. They are referred to as an S.A. Corporation having this designation after the corporate name. This means the ownership of the Corporation is not recorded anywhere just the directors (which can be employee professional directors provided by our law firm). These corporations can be used to own or control assets such as bank accounts, stock brokerage accounts, real estate, boats, planes, vehicles, businesses, precious collectibles like artwork, jewelry, stamps, coins, etc. The owner has the stock certificates of the company which can be transferred privately as often as needed with no reportage of the new owners. No one need know who owns the corporate shares except the original owner and new owner. When you think about it ownership could be transferred 10 times in a day. When you send an international bank wire using the S.A. Corporation no one monitoring the international wires as some countries do knows who the actual owners of the corporation are that are receiving the funds. If ownership of a corporation is publicly recorded rest assured it is in numerous databases and can be accessed in seconds to determine who is actually receiving money sent to a corporation.

Panama uses the US Dollar as its currency. No currency conversion costs. No currency devaluation problems or issues like most of the little tax haven countries have. In Panama the ATM machines spit out US $20 bills. Even USA coins are used in Panama.

Panama is stable. It is a neutral country. Panama controls the Panama Canal and does not have a standing army. Most of these small countries never ever use their armies to repel an invading army from another country. These little banana republic countries use their armies to control the people, suspend elections, hold rigged elections, keep dictators in power under the guise of democracy etc.

Panama is in a treaty with the USA regarding the Panama Canal which Panama has sole control over. If the canal is threatened by a foreign power as in an invasion, the USA has the right to come in and protect the canal and the canal zone which is the area surrounding the canal (25 sq. miles only, not the entire country) - think aircraft carrier groups, marine expeditionary forces, air force fighter planes, navy seals, etc. The treaty does not allow the USA to take over Panama per se just the few square miles around the canal, not the banking district. So who is crazy enough to try and attack Panama, a UN certified neutral country, no one. US air force jets could be in Panama within two hours, an aircraft carrier group would probably be there in 24 hours. So we can forget about Panama being invaded by another foreign power, it would be essentially the same thing as attacking the USA directly. The same would apply if a dictator tried to seize control over Panama. The USA would see this as a potential threat to the Panama Canal and take military action, fast. The USA has no authority in Panama. Their Federal Agents have no authority or power. USA courts have no authority in Panama. Panama is a free country that has a treaty with the USA concerning protection of the Panama Canal. Interestingly enough China is involved heavily in commercial operations in the canal ports and also has a vested interest in seeing Panama and the Canal operate freely and smoothly. If anything happened to the Panama Canal shipping worldwide would be interrupted which means there are a lot of nations that want to see Panama operate as a free democracy maintaining its neutral status. Panama is at very low risk for revolution or military attack.

Panama holds free elections as a democracy, really and truly. Panama cares about their people. Medical care is affordable, food is cheap, housing affordable with special projects for the working folks to own their homes, homeless people are absent, college is made affordable and many young people attend. Panama has two medical schools, two dental schools, two law schools etc. In Panama 15%-20% of the work force are employed by the 135 banks domiciled there. Since Panama values these jobs do not expect to see any changes in banking laws, same for their corporate laws. Panama has over 400,000 corporations domiciled there. The only information sharing going on concerns bona fide criminal cases on file in a court as a criminal prosecution, serious criminal cases of money laundering and narcotics trafficking, terrorism, and child pornography. Panama has little interest in pursuing fiscal crimes. Income tax violations in Panama are civil offenses only. Panama also serves as a maritime registry for ocean going vessels. Panama is anything but a banana republic. You can feel safe and secure in Panama. Go for a visit if you like.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Allis Blog95767
Ansley Blog26163

What Is The Purpose Of A Bridesmaids Gift?

Your dream finally came truealong came Mr. Right and now you are engaged! Not only are your girlfriends excited about your engagement, but also they are happy to be a part of our wedding day. Being invited to serve as a bridesmaid is both flattering and rewarding. It is flattering in the fact that the bride considers her bridesmaids to be her closest friends. It is rewarding in that the bride shares special bridesmaids gifts to show her appreciation. Knowing that you are appreciated is very gratifying.

The unique quality in friendship is that friends help each other out of love. True friends do not expect anything in return when they perform a kind gesture for the other. If friends are supposed to help friends, why should the bride feel obligated to give bridesmaids gifts to her attendants? The answer to this question is simple. Bridesmaids are given several tasks to help minimize the brides stress. In doing so, the bride is very appreciative. It is not an obligation for the bride to show her appreciation it is her choice.

Being a bridesmaid is not easy. Not only is it time consuming, but it is also a financial burden. Giving her attendants a bridesmaids gift is a small price for the bride to pay in comparison to the hard work performed by bridesmaids. Friends should never take each other for granted. Whenever someone does a kind gesture for another, there is always room to show a little appreciation. Whether you voice it, write it down, or purchase a gift, saying thank you is always appropriate.

On average, couples spend approximately 2% of their wedding budget on attendants gifts. Ironically, the attendants perform more than 50% of the work that is invested in planning the wedding. This is why friends are such wonderful people. They are willing to invest more than they will get back. Brides are fully aware of the fact that a $25.00 bridesmaids gift cannot compare to the tremendous amount of time and money spent by her bridesmaids. However, the sentiment behind the gift is priceless. Gifts are simply an expression of the appreciation that a giver has for the recipient.

Because bridesmaids do such a wonderful job to assist the bride, it is often difficult to decide what to give them. One thing to keep in mind is that true friends are not difficult to please. The best bridesmaids gifts are those that are affordable, unique, and practical. A popular choice among brides is bridal jewelry. The wonderful quality that bridal jewelry has is that it has a multipurpose. Not only can it be worn on the wedding day, but it can be worn for other occasions as well. Bridesmaids are special people who deserve special gifts.

Michelle Lindsey writes about wedding customs and fashion for http://www.silverlandjewelry.comAnnmarie Blog33952
Ally Blog36346

Government Benefits Bringing Up A Family

Theres a wide range of government benefits to support you as you bring up your family if youre on a low income and need assistance. This is a brief guide to some of the key benefits that you may be eligible to receive.

Child benefit almost everyone who has a child under 16 (or under 19 and still in full-time secondary education) qualifies to receive child benefit as its not means-tested. Youll be given a form from the hospital when your child is born, or you can make your application online on the Her Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC) website. Youll receive an amount for every child you have a larger sum for the first child and a reduced sum for each additional child. Its normally paid every four weeks, but you can arrange to receive it weekly if youre on a low income and receive other benefits. It can be paid directly into your bank account or posted to you as a cheque, which you can cash at any post office. The benefits dont count as income so they wont be taxed and wont affect any other benefits you receive.

Child tax credits if you have children under 16 and your family income is less than 58,175 per annum (or 66,350 if you have a child under one), you may apply for child tax credits, a regular payment which is means-tested, i.e. based on you and your partners annual income. There are two parts to the payments a family element, paid to any family with children, and a child element, an additional sum for each child in the family. If you have a disabled child or a child under one, you may receive more money. Child tax credits are handled by HMRC, so to apply youll need to phone or write to them. Online applications are not available at present.

Child maintenance if you have a child whose other parent doesnt live with you, the non-resident parent is obliged to give you money to help you bring up the child. A government body called the Child Support Agency (CSA) will collect and make the payments on your behalf. The amount that youll be given will depend on the non-resident parents income, how many children you have who qualify for maintenance, and how many children the non-resident parent has living with them. Either the non-resident parent will pay you directly or you can arrange for the payments to be made to you through the CSA. Any amount that you receive in child maintenance wont affect any child tax credits that you receive. For information on how to apply, contact the CSA.

Statutory maternity pay women who are in work are entitled to maternity pay to allow them to take time off work when their baby is born. To qualify, you must have been working with the same employer for at least 26 weeks by the 15th week before the estimated date of delivery, and have earned at least 84 per week. Youll get 90% of your average weekly earnings for the first six weeks, followed by a further 20 weeks at 108.85 or 90% of your average earnings, whichever is less. Youll receive your maternity pay through your employers payroll, and tax and national insurance will be deducted as they would from your normal pay. To claim statutory maternity pay, you should speak to your employer at least 28 days before you plan to stop work. Note that some employers have their own maternity policy instead of statutory maternity pay, which will pay you more money.

Statutory paternity pay new fathers are also now entitled to paid time off by the government. To qualify, you must be the father of your wife or partners baby, or the adoptive father of the child, or the husband or partner of the adoptive mother of the child, or have responsibility for bringing up the child. To qualify, you must have been working with the same employer for at least 26 weeks by the 15th week before the estimated date of delivery, or employed up to the week when you or your wife/partner were matched with an adoptive child, and be earning at least 85 per week. Youll be paid 108.85 for two weeks, or 90% of your average weekly earnings, whichever is less. As with statutory maternity pay, youll receive it through your employer and national insurance and tax will be deducted. To apply for statutory paternity pay, youll need to inform your employer at least 15 weeks before the baby is due, or within a week of being informed that youve been matched with an adoptive child, and youll need to take the leave within eight weeks of the adoption or birth of the child.

Welfare food scheme the government can help you buy baby formula, milk, fruit and vegetables and vitamins if youre on a low income and receiving other benefits such as income support, jobseekers allowance or child tax credit if you and your partner earn less than 14,155 per annum. If youre pregnant, youll receive vouchers for seven pints (four litres) of cows milk a week. If you have children, youll get the same amount of milk for each child aged between one and five. You can exchange the vouchers for milk at any shop that accepts them. Youll also receive free vitamins and tokens for 900 grams of infant formula per week for children under one, which you can collect at your local health centre or NHS clinic. To apply for free milk when youre pregnant, let your midwife or healthcare practitioner know. To apply for the free food for children, youll need to apply for child tax credit as soon as your child is born. A new programme called Healthy Start is currently being trialled in Devon and Cornwall, in which vouchers worth 2.80 can be exchanged for milk, baby formula, vitamins and fresh fruit and vegetables in any shop that accepts them.

Benedict RohanAlane Blog74236
Adrian Blog80678

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire"Liar Loans" Lead To A Spike In Mortgage Foreclosures

It starts out all so innocently, the loan application (1003) is filled out while gathering the income and debts verified through credit reports and mortgage payoffs. Then the Debt To Income Ratio (DTI) is calculated dividing the debts including the new housing expense by the income and wham, it happens. The DTI is over 60%. Conventional loan guidelines historically have been around 28% for housing expenses including taxes, insurance, private mortgage insurance and homeowner maintenance fees. The total debt ratios had been around 36% for all monthly debts including the housing expense. With computer modeling and automatic approvals some DTI ratios have been allowed to float up in some cases to 50% to 60% if the borrower has lots of assets and the loan is on a full doc basis. As time passed, more and more hybrids began to show up. Mortgage Brokers were inundated with this new loan product called Stated Income. Simply the borrower would state their income on page two of the 1003 loan application and ratios would fall within lender acceptable limits. The original thinking by lenders were grounded in the premise that many busy well to do borrowers didnt have time to compile tax returns and a litany of proof of their assets. This especially applied to borrowers who owned a multitude of income producing properties or had filed for extension on filing a personal or corporate return for a self-employed borrower. This was a very popular plan and billions of new mortgage originations were sold using the Stated Income or other derivations of the basis plan. It was great for self-employed borrowers who found it difficult to compile in a timely manner all the documentation for a fully documented loan which would use tax returns and a year to date statement from a CPA.

Later on, due to the heavy volume of mortgage business and a desire on part of lenders to expand this popular niche into other areas W-2 wage earners were allowed to state their income as well as those on fixed income such as social security, disability and pensions. For a few years this seemed to be ok. However, as time went on, and the economy in various parts of the country began to slow down, borrowers with stated income loans began to have an inordinate amount of foreclosures. At this time, Stated Income mortgage loans rival the Option ARM for frequency of foreclosures. Fraud reared its ugly head as participating players in the loan process were structuring deals with phony baloney borrowers who didnt exist. These phony buyers are called straw buyers by prosecuting attorneys. Many times the first payments were never made. Most mortgage brokers and lenders have buy back agreements from the secondary markets so when a loan goes bad the originator is on the hook to buy the loan back. If fraud was involved, that shop many times already closed up and had run away with any ill-gotten gains together with the rest of the crew who were working the scam. Those players are prosecuted and serve prison time for their sins.

The other borrowers who were just trying to get a loan to pay off debts and a few months down the road after the new mortgage was in place were not able to make their payments. A Notice of Default is sent to the borrower with foreclosure action following when mortgage payments are not made. In a foreclosure process, the lender holding the bag goes back through all the files looking to perform an autopsy on the loan to determine what happened. Every piece of paper is examined, verifications are double-checked with a high powered microscope. All who committed a fraudulent lending practice are sought out and demands are made for redemption and loan buy back. Some enterprising participants had provided false bank statements and other loan documents, which were in fact fraudulently created on a fine computer word processor. The fix had been in.

Many of these stated loan products were all the rage then the fraud hit the fan. Borrowers could not afford the payments and did not even come close to having enough to even live on. Major changes are afoot. Many mortgage brokers exercise much self-discipline and will not even consider a Stated Loan with someone on fixed income. Where is the real money going to come from? Guidelines are tightening well after the horse has escaped from the barn. There is a web page called www.salary.com that gives the high and low range of income for various occupations. Lenders will immediately check this to see if the Stated Income is within this range. In the past, many times, these loans were done with a wink. This is no longer the case. Recently, Form 4506, which is an IRS form that a borrower signs allowing the lender to check with the IRS and determine income from the borrowers tax returns and W-2s if any. Formally this verification process with the IRS was a time consuming endeavor, but this is not the case anymore. For like $4.00 per file, a lender can access, with the borrowers written permission, an online web site and access the IRS site to verify income. Many lenders will not close the Stated Income loan without an IRS Form 4506 being signed. Many of these loans are sold into the secondary market that helps keep the mortgage money supply flowing. As more and more foreclosures ensue from the Stated Income Mortgage Products there will be a major shake out with tightening of regulations and a search for any player, including the borrowers, who may have had a hand in this Liar Loan product. The fallout is already underway.

What is a borrower to do? For one, look for mortgage products that do not require stating a phony income number. A No Doc loan requires stating No Income on the 1003 loan application. A No Ratio does not require income to be listed but verifies employment and term on the job. It has to make sense. The days of loose lending may be over for many. Bottom line, if it doesnt make sense, it probably is not a good loan. Think long and hard about using a Stated Income loan product. If it conforms with what it originally designed loan program for the busy borrower with lots of cash and assets and no time to pull things together, great. If not, think about passing for some other loan product. It could impact your walk around freedom. A negative loan experience will certainly impact a borrowers credit and help precipitate a long and painful recovery from this credit blemish resulting from a foreclosure. Find another mortgage product to achieve your financial goals.

Dale Rogers

Dale Rogers is a thirty-year mortgage veteran and frequent contributor to the Broken Credit Blog. The BCB is a free website created to assist the general public with information about credit repair and responsible mortgage lending.Anica Blog91056
Alayne Blog18150

Importance of Database Uptime

For many businesses, logging, warehousing and processing information about transactions is the lifeline of their corporate strategy and crucial to their profitability. Important records detailing a companys user history, product inventory and shipment tracking, supplier information, configuration settings, or any other necessary collections of information are most often stored in and retrieved from databases. Databases provide a convenient means of storing vast amounts of information, allowing the information to be sorted, searched, viewed, and manipulated according to the business needs and goals. Many companies rely so heavily on the functions of databases that their daily business operations can not be executed if databases are unavailable, making database management and maintenance a vital component of their business models.

The significance of database up time and hazard of downtime can best be illustrated with a hypothetical example. Suppose ABC Company is a subscription based web application that provides a variety of on demand services to its subscribers. Every piece of data that ABC Company uses to provide its subscription services is stored in one or more massive databases, and fulfilling user requirements relies on the websites ability to access, format and deliver database information almost instantly. However, if that database is undergoing maintenance, queries cannot access the required information that is needed to create a deliverable, thus depriving the user of the services for which he or she is paying. On a large scale, database downtime can result in lost clients and sales, and thus damage to the profitability and success of the business. Hence, efficient database management capabilities are crucial to the mere existence of many businesses.

The need for database maintenance is unavoidable, so enterprise data availability software solutions have been created to help businesses reduce downtime from hours or days to mere minutes or even seconds. Effective database management applications can reduce or eliminate downtime that renders a database unavailable, giving business owners and developers a flexible and powerful tool to protect the performance of their valuable business operations.

Companies which provide enterprise data availability software and services help businesses manage their databases by offering services such as backup and recovery, automation of maintenance tasks, and fine tuning performance efficiency, among others. With an assessment of current database maintenance practices, enterprise data availability companies can recommend the appropriate system to implement that can solve the database management shortfalls of most organizations, playing a valuable role in the protection and longevity of their clients.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of data retention products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comAidan Blog81754
Annalena Blog84438

Used Vehicle Finance Own a Vehicle at Easier Terms

You can easily own a used vehicle in case a new model is out of your reach. Because of lower price, used vehicles are always affordable for any person even if he comes from humble financial background. And if your own sources are insufficient for arranging the required money, here is used vehicle finance to take care of your monetary worries. You can buy any vehicle including a car of any make through used vehicle finance which is given in a hurdle free manner even if your credit history is not that good.

Used vehicle finance is provided for buying any used vehicle including a car. Even if you do not own a property, do not worry about collateral as the used vehicle you intend to buy can be offered as collateral to the lender for getting a secured finance. So tenants, students and one who does not want to risk property for a loan, also can avail used vehicle finance. To secure the finance lender may take deal papers of used vehicle that you have bought. While you continue to drive the vehicle, the lender will return deal papers when the finance is fully paid back.

Despite the finance secured, the lender still has risks in offering the fianc. The market price of used vehicle may fall drastically and the lender may not recover the loaned amount by selling the vehicle in case of payment default from the borrower. Hence to cover the risks, lenders tend to charger higher interest rate on used vehicle finance. You can however take the finance at comparatively lower interest rate on comparing different used vehicle finance offers.

One can borrow enough amounts under used vehicle finance but lot depends on financial status and credit history of the borrower, apart from the value of the vehicle. Certainly good annual income and credit history enables in taking greater finance. If you can make a good down payment, you can assure of availing rest of finance for the vehicle. Also greater down payment will ensure lower interest rate and your monthly outgo towards installments may also get reduced. Bad credit is not at all an impediment if borrower can produce proof of his income and repayment capacity and shows intention to pay off the loan in time.

Where to source used vehicle finance from? Though you can make personal visits to lenders but for saving time and for taking a low cost finance, better search the lenders on internet and compare their loan quotes. This enables in settling for a lower interest rate used vehicle finance.

Make sure that you pay off the finance installments in time to avoid debts and to ensure better credit score. You can buy used vehicle in a wise way provided every aspect of used vehicle finance is taken care of.

Eunice Scott is a financial advisor at Vehicle Finance UK and provides advices on finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. To know more about Personal vehicle finance, Used vehicle finance, Vehicle finance, Business finance vehicle visit http://www.vehiclefinanceuk.netAlene Blog79073
Anica Blog57213

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 4: Former Ambassador Who Met With Vince Foster Days Before He Turned Up Dead Claims He Was Murdered

Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton crime families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens' Defense Fund.

Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski's nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster's untimely death.

Although Wanta had no idea what The Children's Fund was all about, later a financial investigator, Marco Saba of the Organized Crime Observatory (OBO) in Switzerland wrote this about turned out to be a secret fund:

"One component of this information concerns the activities of the CIA operative known as Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton. For some years prior to the elevation of her husband, Bill, a CIA operative like his ''CIA wife'', Hillary had been in control of an organization calling itself the Childrens' Defense Fund. Executive Order 12333 (1981) of President Reagan, the US intelligence services were authorized to operate what became known as Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations for intelligence purposes, and to deny any intelligence community connection (that is, to lie about their real purpose)."

"...It is alleged, on the basis of intelligence community leakages, that Hillary became accustomed to treating this fund as her own private slush fund."

Besides meeting with Foster, Wanta was in Switzerland on an official business to arrest the tax-evading criminal Marc Rich. But instead of bringing him to justice, Wanta was double-crossed by Clinton as Rich was allowed to escape on a tip by Israeli Mossad agents and Wanta instead was locked-up in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days.

Wanta's arrest, for no apparent reason, was met with strong opposition from Israeli leader Itzhak Rabin and Foster, both objecting to the Department of State. It's interesting to note both Rabin and Foster were subsequently killed, Foster on July 20, 1993 and Rabin assassinated in 1995.

"Foster was a religious man, happily married and why would anyone want to commit suicide after returning with 250 million," said Wanta. "There is no doubt in mind he was murdered as where some of my other business and political associates who were trying to do the right thing while honorably serving their country."

Regarding the other deaths, Wanta was referring to his business partner, Kok Howe Kwong, and other associates like Freddie Woodruff and Francois de Grosseurve, all found dead, according to Wanta, "strangely for their personal belief in our Great Nation, but by betrayal of others with falsehoods and malice," pointing the finger in the direction of George H. Bush and Clinton.

The situation in the early 1990's became ugly when Illuminati banksters set their sights on ripping-off vast sums of money in Wanta's control after appointed legal guardian by President Ronald Reagan earmarked for the American people, not private bank accounts

And now, years later, after Wanta spent a lengthy, "trumped-up" prison sentence and now released on house arrest, the criminals within the government are still trying to get at the money killing before it ever can be released safely into the hands of the American people.

The reason officials want Wanta out of the way is that he is legally holding the financial "golden keys" to a vast sum of made right after the Cold War after he and others on behalf of President Ronald Reagan were assigned to destabilize the Russian Ruble. The profits have now grown to approximately 27.5 trillion and Wanta has been legally appointed trustee by a 2003 federal court ruling out of Alexandria, Virginia.

Interviewed March 23 and again on April 3 on The Investigative Journal, Wanta said he and Foster, as well as many other patriots working in the best interests of the U.S., were essentially double-crossed, Foster being murdered for "knowing too much" and Wanta being shackled and hidden away in a Swiss dungeon and then sentenced to 22 years for a bogus Wisconsin state income tax evasion charge.

Recently released and still under house arrest with 10 years remaining on his sentence, an unexpected 2003 decision by a federal judge ruled he was legal trustee of 27.5 trillion, blocking any efforts for others in government to steal the large sum of money, now held in various overseas accounts under the name of Ameri-trust.

"I don't think they ever expected the decision and they have been trying to get me out the way so they can get the money before I put it back in the U.S. Treasury," said Wanta, who has also documented that during his prison stay more than $756 billion dollars has been pilfered from the fund by crooked bankers and politicians. The only hope we have in saving our country is to change the private Federal Reserve banking system like President Kennedy wanted to do before he was killed."

In the simplest of terms, as the dust has finally settled from the Cold War, the issue of the 27.5 trillion held by Wanta in trust for the American people still remains in limbo. According to Wanta, though, the issue is simple: change the banking laws so the money can be used for the people, not put into accounts of criminals.

According to Saba of the OBO, who investigated and traced Wanta's behind the scenes accounting of how some of the money has already been misappropriated, it's easy to see why Illuminati banksters want to get their dirty hands on the money before it gets into the hands of American people.

Here is a small portion of Saba's article about what he calls the "biggest bank heist in world history."


"In the meantime, the high-level crooks -- who are known to be most uneasy at the continuing leakage of information which threatens their exposure, ...have resorted to the ultimate sanction in innumerable cases -- have procured that dose on 500 operatives, lawyers and others have been ''taken down'' (liquidated, ''suicided'', placed under house arrest, jailed on trumped-up charges, or dismissed) in a Stalinesque purge of those considered a threat to the continued cover-up of crimes referred to generically as the Iran-Contra scandal, which in fact covers a far widen spectrum of serial illegality than its name implies. It also covers ''legitimate'' intelligence Financial Warfare operations in which Leo Wanta was extensively involved, and its operational codename was the name of his primary Title 18, Section 6 corporation, New Republic/USA Financial Group, and its several affiliates."

"One method that Leo Wanta says is being used to hide all trace of some of the original alleged embezzlements, is that stolen banking or 138 Treasury instruments are being used and re-used as collateral for bank loans. The effect of this ruse is to ensure that the original embezzled instrument is permanently in the custody of financial institutions, and thus beyond the scrutiny of the authorities -- not that this is likely, since, as Leo Wanta told your correspondent finally on 25th April, US Treasury officials are complicit in the vast cover-up operation which has continued ever since the main alleged embezzlements took place in the early 1990s."

Greg SzymanskiAlessandra Blog27530
Analise Blog66731

Creative Commons Champion, Ed The Editor!

Copyright according to Ed the Editor

As an on-line satirist it is hard to keep a straight face, but seriously, folks, we strive to abide by copyright laws. In fact, we champion the ethos of Creative Commons licensing and will aim to deal fairly with creators of multimedia material. It isn't hard to be fair with material that is out in the public domain or exists with some fair and reasonable licensing restrictions, such as an attribution and/or non-commercial license.

To cover attribution, we would send an email and/or place a link back to a "commercially oriented" page on the author's website where they can make money off their own back.

For non-commercial use, we would "pay" with a bio/profile webpage and lots of google-friendly keywords to drive traffic from our website to the creators' commercially-oriented web site.

Anything beyond that, we aren't interested in, or capable, or willing to cow tow to the copyright system. Copyright, whilst important, has become a web of deceit in many cases, and we can't play games, we have the pee to take.

Less seriously, but valid.

Original material we can access on the www without a password should be deemed freely available. We should be allowed to use and reproduce it, as is, without a need to pay up.

Plagiarizing or taking something as our own, without the consent of the copyright holder is different - we arent clever enough to do it ourselves - and we don't condone it either.

Copyright should not be a usable weapon after the fact!

If you don't want a photo to be reproduced on the internet without permission, please publish it behind closed doors or as thumbnails, in the first place.

We say this because most owners of photos never had any commercial use or intentions for photos placed in public galleries. So by definition, no copyright should really exist forbidding an enterprising website owner from simply copying (not altering, or taking it as their own, just copying) that DIY image or creation and placing it on their own website, to use as part of their own material.

Crediting the creator, not themselves, for its existence, would be the correct thing to do in this case, of course. What doesn't strike us as correct is for that DIY-er to claim commercial costs if someone else tries to be creative and in the process makes the DIY-er's snapshot famous.

Fair Use

A copy of a blockbuster movie found on the internet is not original material, so that breaks all copyright law and should not be distributed by anyone - in its entirety. But published snippets should come under Fair use, because those snippets are a crap product, like selling chicken bones without any meat on them.

It shouldn't be a legal requirement either, to pay if you want to post images or video snippets of films or TV shows. That should be deemed Fair Use too of another basically crap, incomplete product. Links back to the copyright holders' full value-for-money offering should be sufficient compensation, especially as highlights tend to wet people's appetites for more of the real thing, creating a new customer for the TV producers.

Unfair world

Of course what should and what does happen are miles apart. People can't be trusted to even post links to MGM, let alone recognise the efforts of some obscure photo-blogger in China. So we acknowledge there is no place for anarchy or the trust system, hence our belief in Creative Commons Licensing.

James CrichtonAmara Blog90739
Alessandra Blog27530

All You Need to Know About Credit Card Rebates

Credit card rebates are the rage, after all, who can resist the temptation of earning while spending? However, dont you think that before getting a new card, you should spend a little time going over the pros and cons of the credit card cash back offer? We have outlined everything you need to know about rebate credit cards and how to get the most out of all the various credit card rebates available.

The idea of being paid to spend money seems incredible but that is just the idea behind credit card cash back or rebate credit cards. With the growing popularity of credit cards, companies are sweating it out to make you believe that theirs is the best option for you. Here are certain guidelines on credit card rebates that can help you make the best of your cash back card:

Taking Stock of Credit Card Cash Back Offers

Take stock of your normal purchases and then get a cash back card that pays you for these items. The best option for credit card rebates, of course, is to look for a card that pays you for ALL your purchases, regardless of where you make them. The highest rate of credit card rebates may not be the best one for you. You might get rebate credit cards rates as high as 5% but these may cover only certain purchases and merchants and not necessarily the ones you need.

Choose your rebate credit cards according to your personal choice of reward. Some cards offer immediate discount on purchases, some send you gift cards from time to time, still others will reflect as points in your card statement. Who said a credit card cash back offer was simple? If you would prefer a bonus check, then go for cash back offer that pays dividends on a yearly or six-month basis. This way you could have a decent rebate in your wallet for Christmas!

A gasoline cash back card can be of good use when you have to fill your tank. Every gallon you buy earns discounts. Moreover, you might even receive cash back on purchases at a particular gas station. Cards that pay you on all purchases generally have a lower rate (usually 0.5%) but it might give you decent rewards in the long run, unless you go to only a select range of merchants. In this case, you should go for a card that covers such merchants, though beware, these might carry higher rates of interest.

Regularly compare cash back credit cards on websites to ensure that you dont miss out on better APRs and rewards. In fact, if you are carrying balance on your accounts, interest charges might actually be eating into your cash back rewards.

Are Cash Back Credit Cards For You?

Think of the cash back card as a card that rewards you for taking a loan. These discounts may range between 1% and 5%, depending on the purchases. Make sure you know what you are getting into for example, only apply for a gas rebate credit card if you own a car!

Look for the rebate percentage before sealing the deal. Credit card rebates are given out in different forms. Some companies offer discounts through cash incentives on an annual basis; others may directly send it to the customers account. You may also find options that link your rebate to a savings account or you may accumulate a certain kind of points. There could also be a deadline by which you have to spend your points, so do not hoard points without knowing the expiration date. If you have a monthly shopping schedule or if you prefer buying products in bulk then this type of card is likely to work for you. Chances are that before you are allowed to use all the privileges offered by the company, you will need to demonstrate a good credit history.

Most importantly, you must be aware that the credit card rebates may not cover all the things you wish to purchase. If you keep this and other basics in mind, you can soon be on your way to saving significantly with credit card rebates.

Robert Alan advises visiting http://www.creditcardassist.com/cashback/creditcards.html for more information on rebate credit cards.Aidan Blog85290
Avis Blog69516

Should You Invest in a HYIP?: Answers To 4 Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions

The occurrence of HYIPs is somewhat new, but have gained popularity at a rapid rate. They have become one of the biggest opportunities to make a lot of money fast, but also one of the internet's biggest scams in recent years. They have made a lot of people rich, but have also made a lot of people lose their money. Should you get in on this phenomenon? This article is a reference to aid you in the decision.

What is a HYIP?: HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program. HYIPs are investment programs normally offered on the internet. They typically accept investments of $100 or less while promising high returns. Interest rates of up to 100% a month is not uncommon. In general the interest rates are ranging anywhere between 5 250% a month. Most only accept payments through e-currency programs such as e-gold because this allows them to accept numerous donations from anywhere in the world.

Where does the money come from?: There are hundreds of different investment strategies used by HYIPs. Some invest in stocks, others in property. There are even HYIPs investing in other HYIPs. Scam HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, in which new investors provide the money to pay a profit to existing investors, which they could then withdraw leaving nothing to pay the new investor. This approach allows the scam to continue as long as new investors are found and/or old investors leave their money in the scheme.

Is it legal?: Some might consider investing in a HYIP gambling. Gambling online is of questionable legal status in the U.S. and other countries, however, the odds of winning cannot be determined, as one cannot know whether one is playing early enough to win money. Thus, it is unlike other forms of gambling, where a player has an equal chance of winning no matter when a ticket is bought, or where the odds of the game are known. In addition, the promise to pay out a percentage of deposits is not a legally binding contract or regulated by a government agency.

Is it worth the risk?: This is a tough question. It really depends. These programs are extremely high risk. There are more scams out there than serious long term programs. Over the years large amounts of people have lost their money as a result of being involved in High Yield Investment Programs. However, if you are aware of the risks, really research the program, and never invest more money than you are willing to lose the payoff could be huge.

Copyright 2006 Timothy Rohrer

Timothy Rohrer is an established author and home business owner. To learn more about a profitable home business, visit http://www.profitmasterworld.comAlli Blog79971
Antonietta Blog35642

4 Steps To Making Easy Daily Cash A Reality

There are a lot of people online who are trying to make money from the Internet. Anyone can have a home business of his or her own. However, making money is not as easy as a lot of people make it sound. There are certain things that you need to do in order to make easy daily cash. What are these steps that you need to know to make this a reality in your life?

First, you need to find a business opportunity that other people will want to join. It must have great products or services. The program must be something that a lot of people will want to join and start their own home business. You also need to make sure that the company behind this opportunity knows what they are doing. Here is where step two comes in.

Second, you need to find someone who is already earning easy daily cash in his or her business who can then mentor you. The person or company that you start your business with needs to have a marketing system in place that is easily duplicated by everyone who joins the business or there will be no point in trying to make your business a success. They also need to know how to train you to make the kind of money that they are.

Third, one important thing that is always overlooked by a lot of people who are trying to make money online is that you need to set up lead capture pages. When you are not capturing other peoples information you are leaving a lot of prospects and money on the table. Most people have to see an opportunity 4-7 times before they will sign up for it. By capturing their information you will be able to get them looking at your opportunity for as long as it takes them to decide to join.

Fourth, one other thing that you need to remember is to treat your business as a business and not a hobby. By treating it as the business that it is you will be setting yourself up for success. By treating it as a hobby you will be just playing around with making a little bit of money but not the daily cash that you are wanting. So take your business seriously and treat it as such.

These are four easy steps that you need to follow if you are going to make easy daily cash online. It can be done if you learn how to do it the correct way. You can have your dream of earning daily cash and finally having the financial freedom that you have always dreamed of.

Summary: Is it possible to make easy daily cash online with your own home business? Yes it is definitely possible. There are a lot of people online who are doing this on a daily basis. You just have to learn how to do it correctly.

John Spohr, MSM is a 27-year veteran of the Computer industry specializing in Internet marketing. Agneta Blog96078
Ada Blog34402

Save Money by Refinancing Your Car Loan

If we define the term refinance in lay man terms, refinancing is nothing but a loan taken on low rate of interest to pay off the previous high interest rate loan or it can be also defined as the replacing or extending the existing tenure of loan with a new tenure of loan. Like wise, if we apply this definition on the refinance car loan, it will be seem as a new car loan taken with low rate of interest to set off the previous car loan taken on high rate of interest.

Refinance car loan is nothing but shifting from the high rate of interest to low rate of interest. Lets explain the situation when the need of refinancing car loan emerges. Imagine the person availed a car loan and after two months he finds that there is downfall in the financial market which has further reduced the rates. But he finds himself paying higher rate of interest as compared to the rate prevailing in the current financial market. In such condition he opts for availing refinance car loan in order to pay low interest as other are paying.

Getting refinancing through refinance car loan enable the person to save large sum of money and thus he can use his saved money in order to satisfy his other personal needs.

Refinance car loan makes the repayments affordable and saves the person from falling in the sea of debts. As paying higher rate of interest increases the burden of debts, which further create difficulty in making repayments.

Refinancing car loan can be taken from the same lender or another lender that is, as per the convenience. The features of the refinance car loan are illustrated below:

Comparatively lower rate of interest
Low monthly instalment
Improves credit score

While availing refinance car loan the borrower must negotiate with the lender and must appeal them to reduce the cost of the loan. And, if the borrower has good credit rating then his good credit score enable him to avail loan on more competitive prices.

The process for applying refinance car loan is simplified through online. Researching and comparing various offers on the internet is much simpler than comparing and researching in the physical market. Today internet shows each aspect of the refinance car loan. Thus, it is absolutely right to say that it saves time, effort and money while applying loan through online.

Xenia Stevens has been associated with AmericasCarLoans. She has completed her Masters in Finance from Cranfield School of Management. She provides useful information on Car loans. For further details in car loans, Refinance car loan, car loan financing, instant car loans, private car loans in US visit http://www.americascarloans.comAlethea Blog12064
Anna Maria Blog58337

How to Save Big Money on Buying Automobile

Competition gets you the best price for any deal. We all know it is cheaper to fix things yourself but many people walk into a dealership without knowing how much they can buy that same auto for using other sources and when you don't know in advance what you should be paying, you're in deep trouble.

If you are looking to save money on your purchase of new or used auto than auto dealer or auto trader are the best options. They make your shopping experience enjoyable. Number of online auto dealer has personally viewed, photographed, and recorded all the detail of virtually all the vehicles for the sale each day. We will take a look on all the facilities provided by the auto traders.

Auto Repair:

Online auto dealers give you informations that can help you locate the best auto service and repair center. You can find number of auto-related companies and shops that work on auto parts and auto bodies to make your auto to be in good operational condition. They include auto body and parts, auto part and accessories, auto repair and maintenance, auto detailing and cleaning, auto air conditioning, auto tires, etc. they are experienced on the job, and employ quality ASE-certified staff so that you get the best service. Auto repair will help you to keep your car running better and for much longer.

Auto Insurance:

Auto insurance in the state where the vehicles are registered is required by Law. Auto insurance is compulsory but hardly anyone understands the provision or coverages outlined in their policy. Auto insurance is important, because it not only covers you and your vehicles, but it also cover your liability associated with damages you cause to other person or property.

Auto traders have tie up with auto insurance companies to provide you with auto insurance. To star saving on purchase from auto traders ask if you are getting all the discount you qualify for. Before getting into any auto insurance policy you should know policy coverage. Three kinds of value are important top understand when buying your policy. Actual Cash value, stated value and most important Agreed Value. Make sure the rate of premium, because each auto insurance carrier you request a quote from will quote you a different premium.

Auto dealer provides you with all the information related to new as well as used automobiles. You can easily get the list of auto dealer in your city or you can get it from net. Online auto dealer is your all in one solution to purchase you next dream new or used auto.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on http://www.benzer3.com. To get more details on Auto parts, please visit http://automobile.benzer3.com/auto-part.html . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at annajosephs@gmail.comAdelind Blog23741
Adrian Blog14854

Pick Your Niche

It's common wisdom that all any service professional or consultants needs to be successful is "passion". Let it be known here that passion alone can be overrated. When you're building a practice, you need more than passion. You need more than a high level of dedication and energy to succeed. You need a plan. A marketing plan with a marketing budget to be exact.

We've all seen this scenario played out in some form in your hometown. Typically, it begins as some starry-eyed owner rents retail space. The newly minted entrepreneur then spends his capital on cash registers, inventory and store signage.

When it's time to open the doors to the shop, the owner is tapped out. The new business, struggling along on the thread bare path of "word of mouth" waits impatiently as bills mount and customers trickle in at a painfully slow pace. Within a matter of months, the newly opened store is finally spending some money on marketing, only it's being spent advertising a "Going Out Of Business" sale.

To avoid the same fat, you need a marketing plan (a part of your overall business plan). Your marketing plan should begin with a thorough investigation into your target market.

* Who are your customers?
* Who is the competition?
* What problems do they have?
* What problems can you solve?
* Is someone willing and able to write a check to hire you to solve the above mentioned problems?

Once you've answered the questions above, you can successfully pick your "niche" market. The wonderful thing about niche markets is they are tightly targeted. That means your marketing dollars go further.

Marketing is merely a matter of bringing the solutions your target market is looking for to the attention of those who will benefit the most.

By defining those who will benefit most from your goods or services, you narrow your focus. Instead of "spraying and praying" with your marketing message, you're speaking directly to your target audience. That cuts down considerably on your overall marketing expenses.

Finally, remember that marketing is not sales. Marketing is focused on the sales you'll make next quarter and beyond. In sales, the focus is upon the sales to be made THIS quarter. Focusing on next quarter's marketing will make next quarter's sales goal a whole lot easier to make!

Kathy Hendershot-Hurd is a Small Business Internet Consultant. She launched her web development firm Virtual Impax (http://www.virtualimpax.com) in 1997. She recently authored the book "Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver Results." Visit the Beyond Niche Marketing Blog at http://www.beyondnichemarketing.com.Ainslee Blog34865
Anallese Blog1537

Retirement Planning With Property

Retirement Planning with property is easy to do when its done properly.

Let me ask you...Have you ever been on holidays and noticed that there are basically two types of holiday makers?

The first type is similar to what I used to be like years ago:

The person that watches where the money is spent and counts the holidays down from day one before going back to work.

Do you do that too?

I did and it used to drive me crazy, just as I started enjoying my holiday it was time to go back to work.

Now the other type of person is the one who goes on a holiday without keeping track of what he is spending or how long the holiday is going to go for, with the flexibility to change plans on a whim (for example, deciding to go to another holiday resort on the spur of the moment).

Why can't we all be like that?

Wouldn't you agree that if we worked all our lives we deserve to live that lifestyle? We deserve to enjoy our golden years by doing the things that we want to do and be financially secure enough to live life to the fullest.

We can, but you need to set it up.
Please also remember
Property Investment Is NOT A Get Rich Scheme

Which means that you need to start setting it all up now and not tomorrow, as we all know we put things off and knowingly after a year or 2, we kick ourselves for not taking the step when we thought about it.

I remember early 80's when I started out as an apprentice motor mechanic, there were some older guys that were retiring and everyone was saying how lucky they were to retire.

Do you remember the big thing in the early years, everyone used to receive "The Gold Watch"

But you know what? No-one even thought about what was actually happening to these retired workers, there cash flow was going to be reduced as they were going to go on the pension.

Most people work all their lives, sometimes starting as early as 15 yrs old and working till the age of 65 (a working lifespan of 50 years).

Generally, when people reach a retirement age the home is paid off, they have raised and educated the children and have done everything in their power to provide for the family.

But strangely enough, after all that, if we look at the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures: 86.6% of Australians who retire by the age of 65 will only live on an income stream of less than $16,000 per year!

That's only $320 a week to run the household, pay all bills, buy presents for the grand children, buy clothes etc. I know it's nowhere near enough to live a decent lifestyle - my mother (72 years old) experiences it everyday.

So how do we work all our lives and yet only finish with such a small amount of money?

Easy, because we are only taught how to get a job, pay our taxes, buy a home, raise a family and that's it.

No-one has ever said- "Hang on, you better start working smart and do some retirement planning and start to leverage your self for the future!"

So how do we change all that?

How do we start working smart so that we can retire financially secure and free with an ongoing income or alternatively, become financially independent at an early age?

What I'm about to show you has been used by the wealthy and other people in the property field for many years. It's really nothing new

Did you know investors use their investment properties to pay for their children's school education using this method I am about to share with you?

Just like my daughter Gyorgem, I have had the Investment Properties pay for her Private Schooling.

Firstly- I'll tell what its like: If you have a home loan with a Line Of Credit (LOC), couldn't you use the credit to purchase cars, holidays etc straight from the LOC?

But, it's YOUR home and you'd prefer to have it paid off as quickly as possible rather than increase the loan, right?

Well, what if you had a property investment portfolio of around one million dollars? Let me tell you, in today's values it's not hard to do at all, one million dollars in property investment is really not that much, once you get into your first investment, the second is not far away.

So if your portfolio is hypothetically increasing in growth at a rate of 7% per year, that means you have an equity increase of approximately $70,000 per year, right?

I will also tell you as you are probably aware of, property does not climb on a straight angle but if we look at it over years it averages a capital growth.

Then why can't we borrow that from the bank and use it for our lifestyle? And if we borrow from the bank, it's not an income, so do we pay tax on it?

No! Because it's TAX FREE! It's a LOAN, not an income! Now are we starting to work smarter and not harder?

This is in theory, because we all know property does not go up 7% every year. It may go up 15% one year and the next couple of years it may be flat, but on average, if we look at it long term, property has proved itself over and over again.

Just remember, with this method it also depends on how much you owe the bank (rental returns plus expenses). But if you hold property for the long term this is very possible and easily achievable.

In my personal appointments I go over this and show you how it's all possible, even for someone on a small income, but remember you will need to use equity. If you don't have a home you can use some one else's home for a couple of years until the Investment has grown in equity and then you can have the security property released.

My eldest client was 64 years old and self employed when he purchased his first Investment Property, so never say you are too old or that it's too late.

Like I've said before, time we can never replace. So many people just waste time finding excuses to push their financial wealth aside or leave it for another day which unfortunately never comes.

Did you know we spend more time writing a shopping list or planning a two week holiday than we do for our whole future?

Isn't this a shame?
Think about it and make a decision to start working on your future straight away, right now. Work out what you want and need so by the time you retire you have something to help you, because retirement planning with property will help you get there if you do it properly.

Sign Up & Get Your FREE 20 Page Report and Weekly Property Tips.


Wishing you all the success,

Dino F. Livanidis,

Mr. Dino F. Livanidis helpe people build a Property Portfolio easily and he explains his step by step process in his new The Unitmate Guide To Property Investment, download now from http://www.npis.com.au.Aubrette Blog37987
Albertine Blog69021

The Complete Story on Aircraft and Yacht Sales Tax

In the everyday world of aircraft and yacht ownership, the following story is played out from coast to coast. The whispers in the crowds of prospective owners often are based on the age-old question, is it really possible to legally avoid sales tax, or am I risking embarrassment if I get caught trying? The stress often crashes into the life of the financial personnel to find workable solutions after the client takes the survey of his friends on the golf course.

The CPA cringes while he is instructed by his client to make the new deal work by tomorrow morning, and oh, by the way, I dont want to waste a nickel on tax. He inherently knows that no matter how careful he is to explain every minute detail of the strategy to Mr. Big, it is ultimately the owner who will demand that he be able to use his new toy wherever and however he wants. He will end the meeting by commanding the CPA to, make it work out, Im sure you can find a way.

Many buyers listen to the free advice that comes once they first enter the sales cycle. The sales person who generally works with the belt and suspenders clients often take the most conservative approach and advise against risky tax schemes. The wheeler-dealer salesperson blabs on about the latest trick and pats the back of his new client while he croons, trust me, it is easy to get out of the tax.

Neither approach will serve the new owner very well. The basic problem is that, unlike federal tax advice which is based on a code that applies everywhere in the United States, sales tax laws depend on the codes written in each separate state. Currently five states have no sales and use tax. However, that leaves forty-five others that will require proper research. Unless you have nothing to do but spend your entire life doing sales and use tax research, it is impossible to keep track of the constant changes state-by-state. The basic problem with implementing a credible tax strategy for an aircraft or yacht purchase is that the buyer must mesh the details of a strategy that reduces the income tax obligation, minimizes the capital gains tax, reduces property tax and quite possibly eliminates the sales/use tax.

When you add like kind forward or reverse exchanges and fractional share ownerships into the components of an aircraft strategy, you then must consider how each piece of ownership or each transaction caused by the exchange through an intermediary may create a potential sales or use tax assessment.

With proper planning and research you can assist your client to legally avoid sales/use tax on the purchase of an aircraft or vessel. However, it depends on how much the purchaser values the money saved, versus, the effort required to go through the legal hoops to avoid the tax. If your client is an aircraft or yacht dealer, you can also help the business to bulletproof their records from an audit by the Board of Equalization. An effective strategy should include components that protect both the buyer and the seller.

Sales tax research must contain a foundation of a basic understanding of the law that will apply in all cases, they must be targeted to focus in on the exact needs of the client. Once the foundation is established, the client can then do a risk analysis of the available options. In all cases the burden of proof rests with the taxpayer.

In order to support a claim for an exemption two basic things are required. It is essential that both the form and the substance of the transaction are met. It is not sufficient enough to actually do all the things the local law requires to exempt the transaction. It is equally vital that the taxpayer can adequately document the actual possession, storage and use of the property. For example, a taxpayer could read the laws in California that pertain to a purchase for out-of-state use. He subsequently actually does all the things that are required, including out of state possession, and using and storing the aircraft or yacht outside California enough time to meet the requirements of California Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1620 (b) (3). The transaction can still be held taxable if the acceptable forms and documents which support the actual use of the property are not provided to the tax agency. The fact that in many cases the state does not question the transaction until after the aircraft or vessel is sold to another party makes it very difficult to gather the logs and receipts.

Some of the various types of exemptions that are available to the CPAs clients are:

1. Common carrier (Aircraft only)
2. Interstate commerce
3. Purchased for out of state use
4. Purchase for resale
5. Occasional sale
6. Out of state buyer
7. Lease
8. Facts or circumstances defined in law which allows the purchase to fall outside the definition of sale or purchase for sales and use tax purposes.

Even though each state may have sections which relate to each of the above, you cannot presume that the details of the exemption are the same from state to state. For example, the language in certain sections of law in Nevada are exactly the same words used in California Sales and Use Tax, however, Nevada and California interpret the same language differently. You must research the cases to decipher each states pattern of decision making.

The important details actually depend on how the requirement by each state will impact the needs of the purchaser. Some questions that need to be asked of the clients so that the CPA can assist them to differentiate between the possible exemptions are:

1. Common Carrier (Aircraft only)
Do you really want strangers flying in your new aircraft? Exclusive use may void this exemption.
Are you contemplating a lease arrangement with a charter, or are you planning to acquire your own FAA certificate?
Are you aware that the documentation requirements and the term of the test period may be significantly greater than most other exemptions?

2. Interstate Commerce
Do you know how your specific state defines interstate commerce?
How do you calculate intrastate flights using this test?
Where must possession occur?
How are first use, first functional use, and operational use defined?
What are the procedural requirements of the test?

3. Purchased for out of state use
Where must possession or title occur?
How is first functional use defined?
How long is the test period?
What are the procedural requirements of the test?
How does the aircraft owner document periods of time when the aircraft is not in flight, or the vessel is moored?
What circumstances shorten the test period?
How does storage for shipment affect the exemption?

4. Purchase for resale
Can a purchaser of a single item claim this exemption, or must the owner be a registered dealer?
Can any use, other than bonafide demonstration and display be made?
What are the documentation requirements to support demonstration use?
How much use is too much to claim a resale exemption?
Can a charge be levied for a demonstration flight of an aircraft?
How does personal use affect the exemption?

5. Occasional use
Is this exemption available in the state the purchaser intends to claim this exemption?
What characteristics must the seller avoid, in order for the sale to qualify as an occasional sale?

6. Out of state buyer
Can an out of state buyer avoid sales tax on an aircraft or vessel? If so what are the requirements?
How long can an aircraft remain in state after the purchase before the transaction becomes taxable?
What if repairs or training are required?

7. Lease
Is it a lease to a common carrier?
Is it a lease to a flight school?
Is it a lease to a private party?
Is it a lease to a contract carrier?
How is the tax reported?
How does the purchaser insure that he can purchase the property ex-tax and pay based on the lease?
Is the tax assessed on the lessor or the lessee?

Based on my research, the types of failures that are inherent by using the possible exemptions are:

A. Common carrier (Aircraft only)
Many people believe that merely flying the aircraft in Part 135 qualifies for an exemption.
When the owner is in control of the aircraft, he may be causing a failure of the exemption by flying in Part 91.
When the owner leases an aircraft to a charter, he puts the control of the documents needed to support the exemption in the hands of another party.
Insufficient revenues may void the exemption.
All Part 135 flights do not qualify as common carrier flights.

B. Interstate commerce
Failure to keep exact logs
Failure to document commerce flights
Is the test accomplished by miles, hours, or days?

C. Purchased for out-of-state use
Failure to properly document location of the aircraft or yacht when title or possession is transferred
Failure to keep proper logs
Failure to document storage location and time
Inconsistencies in documentation
Failure to support intent
Registering an aircraft or yacht in Oregon, Nevada or to a Delaware corporation as part of a strategy to avoid tax, can incur a fraud penalty for evasion.

D. Purchase for resale
Making improper use of inventory
Charging for use
Personal use
Documenting demonstration and display

E. Occasional sale
This exemption is not available in all states.
Failing to support the status of the seller
Transferring debt between entities along with the aircraft or vessel

F. Out of state buyer
Failure to prove the legal status of the out of state resident
In state residency for the purpose of sales tax can require as little as a checking or savings account.

G. Lease
Failure to properly notify the state to be able to purchase ex-tax
Failure to understand against whom the tax is levied and how it impacts the client
Failure to understand whether it is a sales tax or use tax

When a purchase is of a fractional share of an aircraft it becomes almost impossible to use certain exemptions because of the needs of the other owners. A winning strategy can be implemented, but it requires the compliance of the fractional partnership.

If an aircraft strategy includes a 1031 like kind exchange, each possible exemption needs to be evaluated versus the four transactions required to complete each exchange. Each of the four transactions has it own tax exposure. When a reverse exchange is used, five transactions are created that need to be evaluated. A further complication is that some states will consider the qualified intermediary as a retailer of aircraft because it is engaged in the business of selling aircraft. It is fatal to forget that IRS rulings have no bearing on how each state views each transaction.

Armed with an understanding of the sales and use tax laws it is possible to create a strategy that legally avoids the sales and use tax. Acquiring sales tax advice from anyone, other than a sales tax expert is in most cases a waste of time and money. This area of tax law is too complex, the targets are constantly changing, and the potential tax assessment is very costly. Especially when you add the additional interest and penalties that can range from as little as ten percent for failure to file, up to a fifty percent penalty for registering an aircraft out of state in an attempt to evade tax.

Thomas A. Alston is CEO of AERO&MARINE Tax Professionals (http://www.aeromarinetaxpros.com). He has written sales and use tax articles for legal/professional publications. Hes publisher of TAX MATTERS, dedicated to keeping California owners of aircraft and vessels informed about taxes. AERO&MARINE Tax Professionals is the premier California sales and use tax consulting firm specializing in the area of aircraft, vessels and vehicles.Anabelle Blog58945
Abigail Blog62458

Dealing with Cash Emergencies through Cash Loans

Cash loans are the best source of finance to meet immediate and short term expenses. Commonly it is seen that sometimes an individual earning a limited income finds difficulty in supporting some personal or sudden expenses. In such situation, he basically looks for the source in which an amount gets faster approval and doesnt involve much paper work. One of such source is cash loans.

Credit score in cash loans doesnt matter that is either an individual is bad credit scorer or good credit scorer, they can avail cash loans. It is also true that cash loans carries high rate of interest but it doesnt put much burden on an individual as they are short term in nature and they have to be repaid within short span of time. It also helps an individual to repair his credit score by making duly and timely payments.

In cash loans an individual is not required to place collateral against the loan amount rather he is asked to give post dated cheques which acts as security against the cash loan amount. And, when the due date arises, the lender encashes the cheque provided by the borrower.

The amount borrowed in cash loans is much smaller than in any other long term loans. Amount generally varies from ₤200 to ₤1500. And they are generally repaid on the payday of an individual or as per the term decided between them.

Every individual looks for competitive rate of the cash loans, but the question arises that where to look for competitive rates? Today most of the banks, financial companies and small lenders provide cash loans on low rates as this is the most common loan in the financial market. But, before accepting any offer, there is always a need to compare it with other offer of cash loans being made. And, only that offer must be accepted which involve minimal cost.

Cash loans is also known by different names such as payday loans, instant cash loans, personal cash loans, etc.

Cash loans are also available through online in other words, an individual can apply as per his convenience either from his office or at home. Basically, two things are needed for applying through online that are, computer and internet accessing to it.

To wrap up, it is absolutely right to say that cash loan provides an instant financial support when cash emergency arises despite of bad credit score.

Daniel Robinson has done his masters in finance from Georgetown University. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the people needing loans. He works for the ModernCashAdvance. To find Cash loans,fast cash loans,payday cash loan,quick cash loans,cash advance payday loan visit http://www.moderncashadvance.com.Alisa Blog82694
Alethea Blog12064

Travelling with Your Camera

Think positive! The year's not half over, there's still half to go. That is when it comes to Photography Events and Festivals.

At least once a year, all across the country, smalltown America comes together to show their spirit by holding family-friendly festivals. These events are generally held on a weekend and feature local art, music and culture. And then there are the week long functions, such as the Yamhill Fair and Rodeo, which is held Sunday to Sunday in McMinville, Oregon. Not only will you FIND local art and cultural here, but you'll want to have your camera handy for those awesome rodeo riders and prizewinning flower entries.

But the Photography Events I'm going to acquaint you with now are the ones held in metropolitan areas throughout the world. These functions draw both local and internationally acclaimed artists. There are several well known events planned for the second half of 2007. Some of these festivals are being held in various cities throughout the United States, one in Canada and two in France. If you've dreamed of combining a vacation with your love of photography, this may be your chance to do just that. Choose a destination, pack your suitcases and camera bags and head out for the experience of a photographers lifetime.

First on the calendar is the Les Rencontres D'Arles Photographie held in France. Although this has already begun, it runs until September 16. If you are fortunate enough to travel to this phenomenal show, you will encounter 50 magnificent expositions.

Next on our calendar is the Foto Septiembre USA, held every year September 1 - 30 in San Antonio and other Texas cities. This is an International Photography Festival which is a popular destination for both artists and photography enthusiasts. Not only do they provide a forum which allows artist to exhibit their craft, but they also operate through a website and publication. This provides exhibitors, sponsors and advertisers the additional valuable support of internet exposure.

Next we head north to our Canadian neighbors in Montreal. The Le Mois de la Photo has been held every year since its inception in 1989 to celebrate the 150Th anniversary of photography. It is dedicated to Fine Art Photography and will feature 30 exhibits in galleries and museums throughout the city. The goal of this event has always been to educate the general public about photography as an art form. This year's guest curator will be art historian Marie Fraser whose theme will be The Narrativity of The Image, which should prove to be a captivating topic.

Next we're headed south to Georgia for Atlanta Celebrates Photography, ACP9, held in October. This is a citywide festival which is in its 9Th year. It has art exhibits in diverse locations throughout the city. You will enjoy lectures by international and local artists, a pushpin show, a film series and the public art program.

On to The Big Apple and the PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo 2007 being presented October 18 - 20. This is being called the premier event for forward- looking imaging solutions and photographic education. It also promises to bring leaders, pioneers, and rising new stars together for unprecedented networking events.

Paris Photo which is considered by many to be the leading fair for still photography will be held this year on November 15-18. It will offer photo enthusiasts some 100 galleries and publishers from all over the world. In addition to the exhibits, there will be book signings, prize award ceremonies and lectures. What could be better than to be in the City of Lights with your camera and other photographic devotees.

We wrap up the year in Florida at the Photo Miami scheduled for December 5-9. This International Contemporary Art Fair will be held in the Wynwood Art District of Miami. It focuses on Photo-based art, video and new media.

Any one of these Photography Festivals would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip whether you're a hobby photographer or photograph for living. Dust off you your camera bags and hit the road.

Suzanne VanDeGrift of Web Submission Services, Inc. has developed this article for http://M-ROCK.COM manufacturer of a Modular Fanny Pack Camera Bag SystemAnnissa Blog29029
Averil Blog65013

The True Art of Website Building

The most asked question by my visitors is whether or not they need a website to make money online. Well, the short answer is no; you can still take advantage of PPC services like Adwords, for example, and send traffic directly to your merchants sales page without a website. But what were going to do now is reevaluate needing a website.

Websites are very helpful and can make you tons of money if done properly. So if someone were to ask that question again I would most likely say yes, you do need a website at some point to maximize your profits.

So lets get things started with

Rule#1: Your website should be very helpful to your visitors.

The reason why this is my first rule is so that you can have the right frame of mind when building your site from the very start.

Your website should not be built because you want fast money; it should be a reliable source of information that will help people solve their problems. People can see when you are trying to pitch a sale to them or when youre not being totally honest. When you rush to build a website, the quality will be significantly lower. Customers today are smarter than they ever were; so if you think you can fool them with a low quality website--with affiliate links and Adsense ads everywhere--you are only kidding yourself. If you gain your visitors trust, however, they will follow your recommendations because they trust you.

Please, no one page websites--those are usually short-lived. When building a website, remember to provide answers for your visitors problems.

Building quality content is must

Obviously if you are going to build a website yourself, you are going to need tons of quality content. A great way to start off is to go to some article submission sites. You will have access to thousands of quality articles you can use for your website instantly (just be sure to always include the authors resource box).

Content will be the most important aspect of your websites success; so you must make sure you get it right.

Rule #2: Use a reliable domain name and web host.

People obviously want to spend as little as possible; but if you get a website done using a free host, you can bet that people will know you are not that serious about your business. Not only will the quality be much lower than your competitors, free web hosts tend to be unreliable causing your website to suddenly crash; imagine losing all your work that took you a full year to buildit happens all the time and it has happened to me in the past; believe me, it is not a good feeling losing everything you worked so hard for.

Please do not make the fatal mistake of using a free hosts and free domains.

Rule #3: An eye-catching presentation.

Perception really is everything when it comes to websites. When visitors arrive at your site they will recognize your sites design before anything else. You can have the greatest content in the world, but if your web layout and presentation are not easy on the eyes, all your visitors will press the back button immediately due to poor site design.

I will show you the keys to a fabulous presentation:

A) Consistent design from page to page. Customers like dealing with things that they are familiar with. So be very consistent with your page design, colors, style of writing, AdSense ad placement etc.

B) Please make sure your visitors can easily find what theyre looking for. Your navigation should be seamless and easy to use. Your Navigation Bar should be in the same place on all your pages. This may seem like a small point but its absolutely vital to your websites success the last thing you will want to do is frustrate your visitors because they cant find exactly what they are looking for.

I have seen my profits shoot through the roof simply by making everything super-easy to find.

Even though your content is what wins your visitors over in the end, do not neglect having a good presentation; it is the first thing your visitors will notice. What you want to do is make visitors want to stay once that is done, then they can be wowed by your great content.

Rule #4: Connect with your visitors.

Visitors want to know who is behind the website. So you must have a way that they can contact you through email. Have a contact link where people can easily see it. When visitors know that there is actually someone working behind the scenes willing to answer questions, they will feel more comfortable with what you have to offer.

The benefits of email marketing

Using your opt-in list is what we call email marketing. When people opt-in to your list they are actually giving you permission to send them emails. The great thing about this is that its very easy to set up and its highly effective. You should have a monthly newsletter that provides customers with free, yet valuable information. It is important you do not hard sell in your newsletter though; the main job of a newsletter is to get people to your site. A newsletter should address a problem by providing a solution.

A great way to get people to sign up/opt-in to your newsletter is to give something of value away for free. When visitors believe they are getting something of value, they will sign up to your newsletter to receive the free gift. Just make sure what ever you are giving away is of high quality.

Using autoresponders

Another great way for you to connect with your visitors is to use an autoresponder. When people fill out your autoresponder forms, they will automatically receive a series of emails containing your prewritten content (for example, you can have your autoresponder set up to automatically send out 1 email a day for 7 days to anyone who fills out the forms).

You should use autoresponders to send out a series of sequential emails that are packed with quality information. I found this to work very well with all of my websites (as long as you present high-value content to your visitors). Autoresponders are highly effective because the sequential emails constantly remind your visitors that your site exist.

You are not maximizing your profits until you have an autoresponder in full effect. Your opt-in list will have some of your most loyal customers. If making money online has been your goal, you should definitely give autoresponders a shot.

Rule #5: Traffic is your websites lifeblood

You will need tons of traffic in order to make money with your website. But how does one go about getting traffic? Well, there are really only two ways to get traffic: SEO and PPC advertising.

Search engine optimization involves link exchanging, article submission, one-way back links, keyword density, submitting your site to major directories, 2nd tier directories, and niche hubs directories and so much more. Doing all of the aforementioned does take a lot of work, but the pay off is huge. After a while you will begin to see your sites keywords in the top 10 for the major search engines. This free traffic will allow your site and business to flourish. The good news about free search engine traffic is that it can last for years and years.

The other way to get traffic to your site is by using pay-per-click advertising. Unlike SEO, this kind of traffic comes instantly. The moment you set up a campaign, traffic starts pouring in to your site, giving you scalable results right away. I recommend using Google Adwords to get started with PPC advertising. Adwords will quickly allows you to see what works and what doesnt.

As effective as Adwords is, it still takes a little bit of figuring out. Many people lose money with PPC advertising because they simply dont know what they are doing. Whats worst is that they give up after a while. Adwords is too good to pass up; please learn as much as you can before startingit will make things much easier.

Chris Walker is the owner of: http://www.ultimate-home-business-advice.com. Get all the best advice on great home businesses that really work. Gain access to essential tips and resources. He is the owner of all said material in this article. You can distribute his material on a non-exclusive, royalty-free basis, while he retains full rights to his work. You can use his article as long as you do not change any of the content without his permission.Alicea Blog7797
Amelie Blog67726

10 Lottery Playing Tips for Floridas Daily Fantasy 5 Lottery Game

The Florida 5/36 Matrix Fantasy 5 Lottery Game is one of the best lottery bets you can make anywhere. The odds of matching all 5 winning numbers in the next Fantasy 5 drawing are 1 in 376,992. The odds of matching 4 of 5 winning numbers are 1 in 2,432 and the odds of matching 3 of 5 winning numbers are 1 in 81.07. Compare Floridas Fantasy 5 odds to the millions to 1 odds of a 6-number lotto drawing or a 4+1 number mega-money drawing. Top Fantasy 5 prize winners over the past 5-years have won as much as $350,000 in a single drawing and, on those days when there were no top prize winners, players who matched 4 of 5 winning numbers have won as much as $1,150 in a single drawing. Players who match 3 of 5 winning numbers typically win $10, and those players that match 2 of 5 winning numbers win a free Fantasy 5 ticket for the next drawing.

Lottery games such as Florida's Fantasy 5 are based on a random selection of numbers. It is impossible for any person or any computer software to predict which numbers will be drawn in the next drawing. It is for this simple fact alone that you shouldnt waste your money on lottery software, lottery wheels or other lottery strategies like those promoted all over the internet. Most self-described lottery "experts" selling such lottery products all advise against playing lottery terminal generated "quick picks". Fact of the matter is that of all the Fantasy 5 jackpot tickets over the past 5+ years (3,989 jackpot tickets), almost 50% were "quick picks" (1,971 "quick-pick" jackpot tickets)

The best ways to improve your chances of winning 3, 4 and 5 number Fantasy 5 cash prizes are to identify, select and play those number combinations that have historically been drawn more frequently over a long period of time than those number combinations that have rarely been drawn over the same period of time. In other words, play the proven percentages.

A great resource that identifies the 2, 3, 4 and 5 number winning number combinations of 1,825 Florida Fantasy 5 drawings from July 16, 2001 (the start date of the 5/36 Matrix Fantasy 5 game) through July 15, 2006 is the Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery Facts Report. The "Report" was published by BESTRACS Consulting, LLC, a firm that has compiled all the Florida Fantasy 5 winning number combinations for the past 5-years. The Report includes easy to read tables that accurately depict the number of times each of the 36 numbers was drawn over the 5-year period; the number of times each of the 36 numbers was drawn in each of the 5 positions of the winning number combinations (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th position); the number of times each possible 2-number combination (each possible pair) was drawn; all the 3-number combinations that "hit" 7 or more times over the 5-year period; all the 4-number combinations that hit 3 or more times over the 5-year period; high/low and odd/even winning number combination ratios; other winning number combination percentages and more.

The "Report" does not definitively tell which numbers or number combinations to play nor does it suggest any definitive lottery playing strategy or the amount of money to play - it just represents the actual trends of the winning number combinations and number patterns over the 5-year period and calculations derived there from.

The "Report" also includes the winning number combinations from July 16, 2006 through the end of most current previous week as of the date the Report is ordered.

The following are some of the playing Tips that are easily derived from the Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery Facts Report:

1. Play 3-odd/2-even and/or 2-odd/3-even 5-number combinations. Such odd/even combinations jointly "hit" a total of 1,208 times over the 5-year period (equates to a 66.19% winning percentage).

2. Play 3-low (numbers 1 thru 18)/2-high (numbers 19-36) and/or 2-low/3-high 5-number combinations. Such combinations jointly "hit" a total of 1,226 times over the 5-year period (equates to a 67.18% winning percentage).

3. Play number pairs that "hit" frequently over the 5-year period (i.e."2-35") with other numbers that "hit" frequently and with "long shot" numbers. There are several of these "winning pairs" identified in the "Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery Facts Report".

4. Play consecutive number pairs that "hit" frequently over the 5-year period (i.e."30-31") with your other numbers. There are several of these "winning consecutive number pairs" identified in the "Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery Facts Report".

5. Do not play 5-number combinations that "hit" previously over the 5-year period. Only two of the same combinations repeated over the 5-year period.

6. Do not play the same 4-number combinations repeatedly. Only 32 4-number combinations repeated more than two times over the 5-year period.

7. Do not play 5-consecutive number combinations (i.e. "5-6-7-8-9"). No such 5-consecutive number combinations "hit" over the 5-year period.

8. Do not play "all odd number" or "all even number" combinations. "All odd number" combinations "hit" only 55 times over the 5-year period (a 96.99% losing percentage) and "all even number" combinations "hit" only 49 times over the 5-year period (a 97.32% losing percentage).

9. Do not play "all low number" (1 thru 18) or "all high number" (19 thru 36) combinations. "All low number" combinations "hit" only 41 times over the 5-year period (a 97.75% losing percentage) and "all high number" combinations "hit" only 42 times over the 5-year period (a 97.70% losing percentage).

10. Always include a few quick picks in with your daily Fantasy 5 plays.

Toni Ryan is the managing member of BESTRACS Consulting, LLC, a Florida limited liability company that has been compiling and tracking the winning number combination trends, tendencies and patterns of the Florida Daily Fantasy 5 Lottery Game for the past 5-years. For more information about the author and the "Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery Facts Report", please visit http://www.freefantasy5lotterytips.com. Alessandra Blog27530
Anica Blog57213

Lawsuit Loan Helps Families Get Back On Their Feet

Though many people have gone through the process of a lawsuit, most arent aware that applying for a lawsuit loan, or cash advance on the lawsuit, can help get them through the hard times!

Imagine this scenario; youve had an exhaustive day at work, and your family waits for you at home. Youre stopped at a red light and an eighteen-wheeler rear-ends your car. Youre injured, rushed to the hospital, and out of work for months. Your attorney files a lawsuit against the trucking company and promises you have a good caseyou just need to be patient.

But what happens if you cant? As the sole bread winner, your bills are piling up, the credit card is at its limit, the mortgage payment is due, and Christmas is right around the corner. You need money immediately. Thats where a lawsuit loan can help. A lawsuit loan is structured for people who cant afford to wait for the defendants insurance company to settle.

Insurance companies are in business to make money and bank on the fact that desperate plaintiffs will settle early. That is why a lawsuit loan is a critical solution to those in need. Better yet, the concept of the lawsuit loan is gaining ground and acceptance with attorneys.

If you have youve been in an accident, were a victim of a slip and fall, filed a workers compensation claim, or were injured by a faulty product, chances are you have an attorney working hard to settle your lawsuit. Dont waita lawsuit loan can be your salvation.

For more information visit http://www.OasisLegal.com.

With a strong creative writing background, Lisa Colangelo has spent years in the marketing department at Oasis Legal Finance. Through writing press releases, articles, newsletters, web site copy and other creative pieces, Lisa continues to inform the corporate and private sector about the benefits and importance of litigation financing.Alis Blog86532
Alethea Blog12064

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